I'm going to continue working on the armour again this weekend. my first sheet of bronze came in so I'm going to start with the floating plates that hook directly to the scale shirt. not only will the plates be etched upon and aged like the zipper stops (which doubled as test pieces for me), but the center unit will be adorned with 6 interlocking deer vertebrae, riveted onto another strip of bronze and then to the plate with silver tube rivets. only 3 of them actually interlock, so I'm going to have to haxxor them to fit.
some of them need a wee bit of cleaning too. I feel the need to treat the bones somehow, and I wanted to put lines on them to mimic the etched lines on the rest of the outfit, but I hear that bones combust when heated (the original thought was to use a wood burning tool). I also don't want to paint lines on because that would be cheesy. *shrugs*
also, I wanted to show you my new spice rack my little brother made me for Christmas. it fits just right, bro! look!
thank you so much, my kitchen is much cleaner now : )